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After making his name as one of the most famous currency traders ever, you might think Bill Lipschutz would slow down. Think again.
Trader Monthly
October/November 2006
By Andrew Barber
Hall of Fame
At the very moment you're reading this, regardless of your time zone, Bill Lipschutz is most likely either trading or watching the markets. Should you be reading during the three to four (nonconsecutive) hours a day that his eyes are closed, he admittedly will be doing neither. He will, however, be dreaming about the currency markets.
"I really couldn't be happier with my life," says the 52-year-old former Salomon Brothers legend.
Indeed, although he left the Street some 16 years ago, Lipschutz -- thanks to his $200 million forex vehicle, Hathersage Capital Management -- never really stopped trading. His spacious Manhattan duplex is adorned with nearly a dozen state-of-the-art trading flat-screens, strategically placed throughout the rooms. The currency market never sleeps, which is why Lipschutz himself rarely does, either. And not only doesn't he seem to mind, he embraces the challenge -- always unnervingly focused and with a remarkable purity of purpose.
the entire article
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